If your semi truck’s transmission is past the point of repairs making a difference, consider getting it rebuilt. To help you make a decision, we've outlined a few of the benefits and drawbacks of transmission rebuilding below. When you need transmission repair or a rebuild in Corinth, Kentucky, or the surrounding areas, contact Cross Diesel Repair to get the job done.
The transmission must be removed and meticulously disassembled before being rebuilt. A skilled mechanic will painstakingly clean each part while also doing a comprehensive inspection of the transmission. Broken and worn-out parts will be replaced. If the technician finds that any design problems have been corrected by the manufacturer, they will modify the transmission in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
Rebuilding a transmission typically costs less than buying a brand-new or even remanufactured one. Rebuild prices generally cost between $3,000 and $7,000, depending on the vehicle model. If you choose to have the transmission rebuilt, your semi should continue to operate for at least a few more years. With a rebuild, you will receive a second warranty to cover any potential future repairs in most cases.
It takes time to complete a rebuild. Due to how time-consuming the process is, you should budget at least two or three days for the task. Remanufactured transmissions require more upkeep than new ones do. Yet you shouldn't worry about future repair costs if your repair is covered by a warranty.
Cross Diesel Repair in Corinth services all types of heavy-duty transmissions. If you’re having a hard time getting through the gears, don’t hesitate to come see us. From routine diesel transmission maintenance to complex semi truck transmission rebuilds, our team will make sure your vehicle is shifting smoothly when it leaves our facility. Give us a call at
(502) 427-0507 to request an estimate for the cost of 18-wheeler transmission service.
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