Amajor component of nearly any large-scale construction site ismaintaining the equipment used to get the job done. Constructionvehicles such as bulldozers, excavators, rollers and backhoes can befound at residential and commercial building sites, road improvementjobs, infrastructure construction zones and many other work areas.These vehicles are critical to completing massive projects, butwithout proper maintenance, they will fail. Unfortunately,transporting these vehicles to a diesel shop for service can be timeconsuming and expensive. With on-site heavy equipment maintenance,like that offered by Cross Diesel Repair in Corinth, KY, you can saveboth time and money.
Justlike a car needs oil changes, heavy duty vehicles require preventiveservices as well. While different types of equipment have differentmaintenance needs, these services all play an important role inpreventing breakdowns that result in expensive downtime. Commonservices for heavy equipment include lube and filter changes, chassisservices, hydraulic system inspection and services, fluid flushservices, transmission maintenance and general diesel enginediagnostics and maintenance. To learn about the exact needs of yourheavy equipment you can consult the owner’s manual or contact theteam at Cross Diesel Repair.
Whenit is time for farm or construction equipment maintenance, you’dgenerally need to take into consideration the downtime the vehiclewill suffer due to transporting it to and from a shop for service.Additionally, you’ll need to pay for that transport, which can bequite expensive for larger vehicles, such as excavators, forklifts,bulldozers and combines.
Withon-site heavy equipment maintenance performed by local dieselmaintenance techs, you can schedule services around the needs of yourvehicle and your workers. Instead of causing a loss of a day or more,a technician can come to your location to perform necessarymaintenance in a matter of hours. You can select where the vehiclewill be on your site, ensuring it won’t disrupt your day-to-dayworkflow as well. So not only do you save time, giving you moreaccess to the vehicle, but you no longer need to compensate fordelivery costs.
CrossDiesel Repair offers professional on-site maintenance in Corinth,Lexington, Frankfort and the surrounding Kentucky towns for all typesof farm, agricultural and construction equipment. We strive to offerfast and fair priced services, all of which are backed by a 12 monthwarranty. From routine oil changes to hydraulic services and dieselengine maintenance, we do it all for your equipment. To learn moreabout our fleet vehicle maintenance programs or to schedule on-siteheavy equipment maintenance in Corinth or the neighboring areas,please give us a call at (502) 427-0507 . We’d be happy to provideyou with quotes or answer any questions you may have.
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